Update from P2
Have a read to see what we have been up to this week!
Charli – “We practised chimney sums for adding and subtracting”
Vrishti – “You always start at the right side and go to the left”
Louie – “We worked with Mrs Stewart to make our own characters after watching a video about a girl that likes bubbles”
Connor – “My character had brown hair, a red hat and a blue suit”
Archie M – “My character was yellow with black ears, a thunder tail and brown stripes on his back”
Jayden – “We used bean bags to help us practise our spelling words”
Euan – “We went out to the field and some of us were racing, some of us were climbing trees and some of us were practising gymnastics”
Charli – “I was trying to do a cartwheel and a handstand”
Oliver – “We were trying to do rolly pollies”
Alfie – “I was doing forward rolls and backwards rolls”
If you have any reading books at home, we would really appreciate it if you could return these as soon as possible. Thank you!