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Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This week we have had a focus on Money in our maths work. We have been investigating all of the different coins, what they look like, how they feel and of course how we can use them. We have discussed how important it is to be able to recognise coins, their value and to be able to add up amounts.

We have been sorting coins into their values.


We have been playing games on the smartboard to help us practise adding up using different coins to make different amounts.


We have been rubbing coins to make our own ‘Money Trees’.

We have been labelling the coins with their correct value.


This week we have also had the opportunity to meet our new teachers for a sort introductory session. We can’t wait for all the exciting learning that Primary Two will bring!


We hope you enjoyed a snapshot of our week. We are looking forward to our final week in Primary 1!

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

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