Our Final Post of Primary 4.
This is our last week of Primary 4 – we are sad to be leaving P4 behind, but we are excited about moving onto Primary 5 and discovering the new challenges it will bring!
We have enjoyed completing some Summer activities this week such as creating a Summer scene, making a list of things we would like to do over the holidays, and writing about the things we have liked about this year.
We have written a ‘message in a bottle’ for our P5 teacher to tell them a little bit about ourselves. It will be interesting for Mrs Hillan to see if any of our likes and dislikes have changed over the past year for those of us still in her class.
We rounded up our Egyptians topic by finishing off our jewellery and having a little sum up of all we have learned, here are some of our points:
Sophie C – ‘After people die, there’s a chance that they can still do the toilet!’
Gracie – ‘When they are mummified they put masks on their coffins so they know who they are.’
Shay – ‘They use a hook to take their brain out.’
Hadiyaah – ‘Scarabs are special to the Egyptians.’
Lewis -‘Egyptians believed that cats were protective.’
Emily – ‘If you were given trading something valuable for food then you would get a lot of food.’
Caelan – ‘The Egyptians believed that their brains were in their hearts.’
Ariah – ‘The eye symbol is called the ‘Eye of Horus’.’
Olivia – ‘They brought their cats to work with them.’
Derry – ‘The scarab beetle died at night and was reborn in the morning.’
Ryley – ‘The Egyptians would do the toilet as well as bathe in the River Nile.’
Maisy – ‘There were animals and bits of animals in the river and they still swam in it.’
Kayleigh – ‘They thought your thoughts came from your heart.’
Chloe – ‘Egyptians don’t have money so they trade for what they want.’
Summer – ‘They didn’t wear clothes until they were 5 years old.’
Holly – ‘Kids drank beer!’
We finished off our week with Mrs Hillan with a treat of watching the original movie of ‘The Witches’ after finishing our class novel.
Primary 4 and Mrs Hillan would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Summer holiday! Have a wonderful time!!