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This Week in P3


In writing this week, we were beginning to learning about the recount genre. We looked at the structure and then we studied an example of a recount piece. Then, we collaborated in small groups to create a recount of our first day in primary 3.


During reading, we were focusing on our predicting skills. Before we read the book, we predicted what we thought might happen and then explained our predictions.



This week, we continue to develop our place value skills. We were looking at ones, tens and hundreds. We were using the Dienes materials to help us identify the ones, tens and hundreds.

In our place value house, we can only have one digit per column. The smallest number in the column is 0 and the largest number is 9.



In science this week, we continued to develop our scientific vocabulary. We were identifying the advantages and disadvantages of materials. We were given the same object in 3 different materials and we had to state the pros and cons of each.


Health and Wellbeing

In P.E. this week, we started gymnastics. We were learning to create movement patterns and balances. We worked at different stations to develop our skills.

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