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P4/3 Weekly Highlights

It has been yet another busy week in Primary 4/3.

This week in numeracy we have been focusing on fractions, decimals and percentages.

We have been investigating what a fraction is, how it looks and how we can represent a fraction in different ways. Together with Mrs Stevenson we made up a fraction cheat sheet to help us recall some key vocabulary associated with our learning.

We have been looking at each of our names and what fraction of our name is a vowel or a consonant.

We then completed an activity called Fraction Street, here we not only had to use our knowledge of fractions but also our listening skills. Mrs Stevenson called out an instruction, for example – 1/8 of the houses have a red door or 1/2 of the houses have a car parked outside, then we had to colour the correct number.

We also created our own Fraction Sundaes. Here we created a sundae with lots of different flavours, we then had to identify what fraction of each flavour made up our sundaes. Some of us were super greedy!

We didn’t complete nearly as much as we would have liked to this week so we will continue our learning of fractions into next week too.

In writing we are still working on the genre ‘Recount‘, we are all becoming such experts at what this genre of text requires. This week we wrote a recount of a gymnastics lesson from the previous day. We are very good at using a wide variety of time connectives to help sequence all the different events within our pieces of writing.

This week we have also begun to focus on our Reciprocal Reading skills and have been examining what skills are involved in our current skill focus – prediction. We made a ‘four door’ model of all the skills we will be examining. Prediction, questioning, clarifying and summarising.

Behind each door we can write our answers for the text we are focusing on. When predicting, we have been talking about the most important point, which is justifying our answers using the clues such as  –

The Title,

The illustrations,

The blurb,

The Genre of book,

The audience.

We hope you have enjoyed a little taster of our learning this week. We are looking forward to a well earned rest on Monday and Tuesday next week!

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