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This Week in P3


In writing this week, we continued to develop our recount writing skills. We created a small shop and as a class, we discussed the steps we carry out when in the shops. This helps us visualise our shopping routine when writing the recount piece. We were trying to ‘Bump Up’ our writing by adding adjectives to give the reader more information.

We were also practicing our tricky words this week. We were using our rainbow writing. This is where we have to say, cover, write and check each words.



In maths this week, we continued to develop our fractions knowledge. We were building on our knowledge from last week to look at converting fractions such as eighths and sixths into halves, thirds and quarters.



This week, we started our new topic Extreme Earth. We were learning about the layers of the Earth. We came up with a chant and dance to help us remember that the layers of the Earth are inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. We also learned about the key features of a volcano. To support this, we watched the live footage of the volcano eruption in La Palma.

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