What have P6 been up to this week?
Green Gym
We are trying to improve our school grounds.
Anton – We made a pond.
Bailey – We watched the Spiderwick Chronicles Movie and Bella was scared.
This was part of our listening and talking learning.
Hope – We compared the book to the movie.
Alexis – The movie has more detail.
Bella – Some of the things in the movie are not in the book.
I enjoyed basketball and think I am getting better.
Bella – I am improving.
Bella showed her fantastic recount to Mrs Stewart this week.
Visit from Josh
We met a Guinness World Record Breaker this Week.
Bailey – I was surprised how far he rode his bike in a week.
Grace – He brought his bike in.
Josh – I was surprised he kept going after his accident.
Eco Learning with Mrs Dobbie
Emily – We interviewed the dinner ladies!
Anton – We were talking to them about food waste. Vegetable curry was most unpopular.
Emily – Moving forward we will be looking at other waste in the lunch hall.