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This Week in P3


This week in writing, we have started learning about a new genre of writing. We are now studying exposition. This is when we persuade the reader by writing a one-sided argument. This week, we persuaded the reader that bonfire night is fun.

In reading this week, we have been developing our summarising skills. We have to describe the story in a few sentences. We have to include the most important details.


In numeracy, we were learning to partition numbers. This is when we spilt a number up into small number bonds. This will support us with our mental calculations.
Additionally, we have been learning to round to the nearest 10. When we are rounding to the nearest 10, we must look at the ones. If the ones are 0-4 we round down and if the ones 5-9, we round up.


In P.E., we continued to develop our skills for basketball. We were developing our bounce passes and chest passes. This supporter us when we played a game of basketball.

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