Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights
Primary 4/3 have been packing lots of exciting learning into this week.
On Monday in Green Gym, we were set the challenge of building a hibernacula, for an animal to use to hibernate in during the winter months. We had 15 minutes to find as many natural materials as possible to insulate our hibernacula. We then filled up a pot of hot water which was to represent our animal, if after 15 minutes the pot was still hot our animal would have survived the winter!
Keeping on our topic of conservation, sustainability and helping the environment, we decided to write our persuasive piece of writing focused on why we should help save trees in our environment. This week we looked at using some more convincing and persuasive language to help reinforce our arguments. Here are some examples of our work.
We have also been thinking about why we celebrate Remembrance day. The Primary 7’s have been selling Poppies all week so we decided to create our own poppy picture of Flanders Fields. We used water colours to create a wash effect for the sky and used bright red and black for our poppies. In the fields we added grass using crayon. We are very proud of our efforts in this art task.
We hope you have enjoyed a little snapshot of our learning from this week.