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This Week in P3


In reading this week, we continued to develop our summarising skills. We had to choose the important information when we are summarising.

In writing this week, we had to persuade the reader that technology helps us learn. We had to read our feedback from last week and uplevel our work. After we had  written our persuasive piece, we had to self-assessment writing.


In maths this week, we continued to develop our rounding to the nearest 10 skills. Additionally, we were learning to round to nearest 100. When rounding to the nearest 100, we have to look at the tens column. If the tens digits is between 0-4 we round down and if the digits are between 5-9, we round up.


For or topic Extreme Earth, we were learning about tornadoes. A tornado is a giant tube of air that spins violently, extending from the thunderstorm to the ground. 

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