Christmas is coming!!!!
In the nursery we have been very busy practising and filming our nativity play. We have now finished filming it and parents will be sent the link very soon. We wont post any pictures as we want you to experience the full effect when you watch it at home. Our children were amazing as always and make sure you have a tissue at the ready!!!!
Christmas Crafts
Again the children have been very busy making different things in the nursery. Once all these are complete they will be sent home with your child. Again no photos as we do not want to waste the surprise!!!!
Christmas Raffle
We will draw the raffle on Tuesday morning so if any parent/carer still wants to but tickets please speak to a member of staff. The main prizes are a household hamper and a knitted Santa, there are also some smaller prizes to be won. Good luck everyone who has purchased a ticket.
Christmas Party
As in previous correspondence, the children’s Christmas party is on the last day of term, Wednesday 22nd December. The morning session children will be bringing a packed lunch home on this day. Afternoon children will be offered a sandwich at the start of the session. If your child is a full day child and does not normally attend on a Wednesday they are invited to come along to the afternoon party with their friends. These children will be collected from the party between 3-3.15pm. Any child in for the full day will receive their gifts from our special visitor in the afternoon.
Party food will be served to the children during the party.
Have a great Christmas everyone and we will see you back at nursery on the 5 January 2022.