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Update from Primary 2

We have had a fun filled week in Primary 2! From our Talent Show auditions to the Spaghetti Challenge!

STEM Challenge

The children were given the task, from Mrs Stewart, to create the tallest tower they could using only spaghetti and marshmallows! The children had to work as a team to see who would win! We measured each tower and the children ranked them from smallest to tallest!


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We got to watch the Panto this week and enjoyed singing and dancing with Aladdin!

We have been playing different Christmas games and the top two are Musical Bumps and Musical Statues.

We have made some lovely Christmas Cards, which the children will bring home next week! We also enjoyed a full day of games and wearing our Christmas pjs!

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P2 party is on Monday!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Orr & Primary 2

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