An Update from P5
This week in P5 we have continued with our digital learning. We learned more in coding so that we were able to make several items move on a screen at one time. We were very engaged in this and excited to see how many items we could get moving at once.
Chloe – I liked when we could make our own code because I figured out you could make your own background and I made a house.
Gracie – I liked how we could move all the characters around, it was fun!
Lewis R – I liked the coding because it was fun that you could make your own background.
Giullia – It was really fun how we could tell the little characters what to do. It was really interesting!
Kayleigh – I really liked moving the characters around.
Ariah – I liked how you could make the characters move and decorate the background.
Sophie C – It was really cool how we got to move the characters around and we got to choose where they went. We could also change the background.
Matthew – I liked that we could multiply the characters and could change the characters to get different colours.
Sophie G – It was how we could customise our own background.
In Numeracy we worked on dividing by 9 and 7 in one group and then linking division and multiplication and dividing 3 digit numbers in the other groups. It is still apparent that for many of us, we need to learn our tables as we don’t all know these yet. Mrs Hillan has given us times table and division charts home on a few occasions so that we have these at home to practise. Mrs Hillan encourages us to do this when we can!
In Literacy we have made predictions on the next part of our stories. This week, some of our groups were asked to try and find evidence from our text to support our thinking.
In spelling this week we made wordsearches using our spelling words and we also practised them with a partner using Spelling Tennis:
In Writing this week, we used our maps we created last week to write our own adventure stories. We had to remember to include a problem and resolution.
In topic we have started creating some Celtic families. In our groups we created a family which contained at least 2 adults and some children. We started drawing these family members and recorded some information about them below their pictures. We decided on family names and had to make sure that they were dressed appropriately for Celtic times. We will continue these next week, ready for our class display.