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Primary 2 Update - 31/01/22

Digital Day

Yesterday, we had a very fun day doing lots of different digital learning. We practiced our keyboard skills, we worked on coding a character and we even made robots move! We also made a short movie, in our groups, by taking lots of pictures, step by step and then adding them altogether to look like a movie. We have uploaded the videos onto Seesaw if you want to see our amazing work!

“It was the best day!” Hussain.

“I was so good at the typing!” – Katie


Our display is now finished for our McCoos and tartan and we thought you would like to see it! This week for IDL, we looked at a map of Scotland and what the key in a map tells us. We then learned some facts about different cities in Scotland and had to label the cities on a map.


We have had another busy lesson for writing this week. The children had to tell a recount of a visit to the park. The children are working hard to include our core-writing targets and use a joining word to extend a sentence.


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