What Have P6 Been Up To This Week?
Kyle – I enjoyed playing hockey matches!
Brain breaks
Bella -I enjoyed the body percussion.
Outdoor Learning
Debbie-I enjoyed building the willow dome and playing hide and seek. (I was the last one to be found.)
Emily – Next week I am looking forward to th fire-pit and toasting marshmallows!
Emily was very good at tying the knots when we were building the willow structure.
Anton – I have improved my subtraction skills.
Bailey – I liked learning about adverbs. An adverb describes a verb.
Digital Technology
Cameron – I enjoyed coding and presenting my propaganda PowerPoint to the class.
Learning with Mrs Dobbie
Bella – I am looking forward to painting the shed outside.
Bailey – I like doing Wordle!
Debbie managed to guess a word in 4 this week at home before shool. (All by herself.)
Anton had a great week this week. He won the star award, the raffle, was chosen for the compliment poster and earnt a prize in maths!
What a star!