Howdy Sunshine w/b 21/3/22
Happy hot hot hot Friday everyone!!
Hope you have all had an amazing week being busy and creative in this sunshine and was it hot enough to get the sun cream oot haha!
We have spent the majority of our week outside – showing our well rounded gross motor skills on the trim track, playing games out on the field and even having snack outside. This week has been full of smiles and sunshine and we can’t wait to show you the entertainment!
Come see the funnnnn!
The Deans Daredevils
We have been such daredevils this week out on the trim track and you can tell we all had a blast. We put our balance to the test on the wall (with supervision haha) and see if we can get all the way to end and even jump and see if we can land without falling. It looks like I have been roped into being Mr Catcher haha but what fun we had – but this bunch were absolutely amazing and so confident and motivated tackling these wee obstacles. We hope the weather continues (fingers crossing big time) and we can continue to be outside and enjoy our outdoor learning.
Spring sprinting
We have been taking advantage of this weather and the big field right next to nursery to continue our fitness. We have been using our warm-up, main activity and cool down routine to help us get into that Olympic summer shape haha – this week we have been focusing on the cool down and trust me running in that weather you will need a cool down haha but our guys have been learning the benefits of a cool down and how it calms us back down when returning to nursery. Our bunch are fast fast fast so we need to definitely up our game now haha keep and eye on them a blink and they are off!!
Snacky in the sunny
What a way to top of an amazing week with snack in the Friday morning sunshine! We had some fruit, some yoghurt and some cold water to keep us all hydrated (trying to taking a professional photo in the first one haha). The children spoke about having picnics outside and what they would enjoy at a picnic, which gave us ideas for when summer arrives.
The weekend is here and it is to be warm and beautiful – we all hope you enjoy it while it lasts as its to snow next week BIG SAD FACE :-(((((!!!!
We will see you next week for another amazing week!
Stay safe!