This Week in P3
In writing this week, we continued to develop our skills when writing a descriptive piece. We looked at a few examples and assessed each piece of writing. Then we read our feedback from last week and used this to up-level our writing. This week, we were describing a female rugby player. We used the describing bubble to help us structure our description.
In reading this week we were focusing on our summarising skills. This is where need to tell a friend what the text was about. We have to only include the important details.
In numeracy this week, we continued to develop our multiplication skills. Some of us were looking at the 3 and 4 times tables. We also had a class number talks where we discussed the different strategies we could use to calculate the answer. We also played multiplication games such as times table bingo.
For our sports topic this week, we looked at ‘The Football Players’ (1908) by Henri Rosseau. Henri Rosseau was famous for his abstract paintings. We discussed the meaning of abstract and then identified what made this painting abstract. Then, we designed our own abstract painting representing a sporting event.