Glow Blogs Archive
P5/6 Thursday 30th April
Hello all. I am going to copy each day's "Read Me First" document from Team's "Files" into this blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps. I am still trying to get to grips with this so please bear with me. I also want to develop some of ... Continue reading P5/6 Thursday 30th April
Primary 7 30.04.20
Morning everyone hope you are well. Usual start then read over today's Morning Statement. Medium Time, Distance, Speed Spicy Time, Distance, Speed Very Spicy Time, Distance, Speed
Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 30.4.20
Happy Thursday Everybody! Good morning Everyone! It's Thursday and nearly the start of a holiday weekend, don't forget that Monday and Tuesday are holidays for you all. Here are some additional home learning ideas for you all today, remember you can use the Home learning packs too! Reading Access this weeks' book (mix, mix, ... Continue reading Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 30.4.20
P4 Subtraction 30th April
Here is the subtraction work for each group today. Circles - Subtraction 30th April Squares - Subtraction 30th April Triangles - Subtraction 30th April If you have any questions, I will be on Teams to answer them
P6/7 April 30, 2020
Please start the day with any physical activity of your choice e.g. Joe Wicks Go Noodle, Kids Yoga. Writing task- Break LI and Instruction finding any fraction from a quantity Mild_any fraction of a quantity Hot_any fraction of a quantity Spicy_ any fraction of a quatity Write an explanation on why the Sun ... Continue reading P6/7 April 30, 2020
P4 Literacy 30th April
Here are the instructions for today's literacy task, I will be on Teams to support you if you need help. Choose Objects to Put in a Time Capsule Activity
P4 Expressive Arts 30th April
This is the link to the expressive art task for today Expressive Arts 30th April
P5 Friday 1st May 2020
Good Morning! Let's get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : or maybe design your own 20 minute workout! Smart Start - Free Write Either carry on what you were writing about last time or start a new piece. This AMAZING video which is less than two minutes long might give you an idea about ... Continue reading P5 Friday 1st May 2020
P.1/2 Friday 1.5.20
Good Morning P.1/2 I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another day of learning! I thought we could try another way to start our day with this dance workout. Enjoy! 2D shape Now to continue our shape work. Look at the powerpoint. T-N-2312-Name-the-2D-Shape-KS1-PowerPoint-Quiz_ver_1 You will remember most of these shapes ... Continue reading P.1/2 Friday 1.5.20
Primary 2 - Friday 1st May 2020
Happy Friday everyone! Here are some fun activities to finish off the week! National Smile Month May is National Smile Month in the UK! National Smile Month is the largest and longest-running campaign to promote good oral health. The campaign highlights 3 key messages, can you follow the link to the official website and find ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Friday 1st May 2020