Glow Blogs Archive
Primary 4 - Tuesday 19th January
Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a good day yesterday. Here is our plan for the day: Tuesday 19th January This is an important message: I have moved the CLASS MATERIALS - MRS HILLAN folder into the folder that simply says CLASS MATERIALS in files. This is where you also access Mrs Lockhart's & ... Continue reading Primary 4 - Tuesday 19th January
P 6/5 Tuesday 19th January
Tuesday 19th January 2020 P6/5 Daily Plan Hello again! On Monday's daily plan I left out the "nagging" paragraph. Unfortunately on Monday afternoon Teams was not being used appropriately. So: Please remember that "Teams" gets really busy during the day so you are better off accessing the resources you need from "Files" the night before. ... Continue reading P 6/5 Tuesday 19th January
Primary 4 French
Tasks for Tuesday 19.01.21 French-Numbers-Calculations numbers word-mat-french numbers-to-20-french-activity-sheet Practise with Large Numbers Activity Sheet Practise with Large Numbers PowerPoint writing-french-numbers-activity-sheet
Wednesday 20th January 2021 - P7
9am - 9:30am Activity of choice from: Reading for enjoyment Mindfulness Physical wellbeing task (see link on Teams) Newsround (take notes) 9:30am - 10:30am Writing *Live* Procedure writing - recap, task and sharing examples Procedural Writing Planning Sheet Core Writing Targets Procedure Genre Targets BREAK 11am - 11:30am Spelling Continuation of words ... Continue reading Wednesday 20th January 2021 - P7
P6/5 Wednesday 20th January
Wednesday 20th January 2020 P6/5 Daily Plan French: with Mrs Dobbie Numeracy: LI To practise my times stables. See If you do not have toilet roll you could cut strips of paper into 10cm lengths and roll them. To follow this please go on to You can also make a loop game to ... Continue reading P6/5 Wednesday 20th January
Primary 4 - Wednesday 20th January 2021
Good morning everyone! Below is a plan of our day: Daily Plan - Wednesday 20th January Start your day with Joe Wicks - follow this link - or type in 'PE with Joe' and find the lesson for Wed 20th January. Writing Recorded lesson - Link to lesson on Youtube: L/I To provide ... Continue reading Primary 4 - Wednesday 20th January 2021
Primary 6/5 French and RME
Information Wednesday 20.01.21 French-Numbers-Calculations numbers word-mat-french numbers-to-20-french-activity-sheet Practise with Large Numbers Activity Sheet Practise with Large Numbers PowerPoint writing-french-numbers-activity-sheet
Thursday 21st January 2021 - P7
Thursday 21st January 2021 9am - 9:30am Activity of choice from: Reading for enjoyment Mindfulness Physical wellbeing task (see link on Teams) Newsround (take notes) 9:30am - 10:20am Numeracy Time intervals Thurs 21st Jan - Time - Circles Thurs 21st Jan - Time - Squares and Rectangles Thurs 21st Jan - Time - Triangles ... Continue reading Thursday 21st January 2021 - P7
P 6/5 Thursday 21st January
Thursday 21st January 2020 P6/5 Daily Plan Writing: We will do a check in at 9:15, followed by discussing what we have been doing in writing We will then watch Ms Taylor's video in preparation for our lesson. It is available on YouTube here Then watch the video "How to make a Maths Tube" ... Continue reading P 6/5 Thursday 21st January
Primary 4 RME
Plan for Thursday 21st Martin-Luther-King-Day-KS1-Power Point martin-luther-king-jr-timeline-activity-sheet all-about-martin-luther-king-jr-activity-sheet martin-luther-king-jr-quote-reflection-activity martin-luther-king-significant-individual-fact-sheet martin-luther-king-jr-knowledge-organiser-english