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Primary 7 23.04.20

Before Break Medium Time Spicy Time

23.4.20 Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everybody! Happy Thursday everyone, I hope you are all well and ready for another sunny day. Reading For our last task featuring the story 'The Big Carrot' I would like you to create a sentence for the ending of the story seeing the last page is only a picture. Use our class log ... Continue reading 23.4.20 Primary 1/2

P6/7 23.04.2020

Let's start the day with Joe Wick's or any exercise of your choice. Your next task is to write a letter. Open the link for instructions. Morning break Higher Ability Mixed Lower Ability Half Middle Ability Mixed Spelling List LUNCH Vikings 1

Sensory walk

We are very lucky to have had some amazing weather recently and with the days getting longer we can hopefully get out every day for a walk, at some point! Below is a health and wellbeing sensory walk challenge. It can easily be adapted just by changing colours and objects to be found each day. ... Continue reading Sensory walk

P4 Subtraction Work - 23rd April

Subtraction sheets for today, as explained on Teams. Circles and Square - Subtraction 23rd April Triangles - Subtraction 23rd April

P4 French Flashcards

Flashcards for French days of the week 'pairs' game - you can use these or make your own - the more colourful, the better! French Days of the Week Flashcards

Primary 7

You may have seen Captain Tom Moore on the news in the past week or so. He has been walking to raise money for the NHS and has raised over 27 million! At almost 100 years old, he is an inspiration to many people and reminds us that we all can play our part in ... Continue reading Primary 7

P4 Diary Entry

Here is the template for the writing work today. My Home Learning 2020 Diary I can't wait to see what you have written about on Teams!

P3/4 The Money Maze Challenge

Here is the money challenge. Have a go and let Mr Turner know how you get on. The Money Maze Age 7 to 11 Go through the maze, collecting and losing your money as you go. You may not go through any cell more than once, and can only go into a cell through a ... Continue reading P3/4 The Money Maze Challenge

P5 Friday 24th April

Good Morning! Let's get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : Or a Minions dance with Otis from Strictly!- Writing - Captain Tom inspires a nation! You may have already seen your writing from Miss Taylor for this week but I am re-posting here in case you haven't. You may have seen Captain ... Continue reading P5 Friday 24th April

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