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Primary 2 - Friday 5th June 2020

Happy Friday everyone! Here are some learning activities to go along with your packs today. Spelling Here are your phonics videos for the week! Can you spot your spelling words? Green, Purple & Pink Yellow Blue Numeracy Today, we are going to revise telling the time. First, I would like you to watch the time ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Friday 5th June 2020

P3- Friday 5th June

Good morning P3, I hope you are all well. Today is World Environment Day, with the focus on Bio-diversity. What is this and how can we make our environment a better place? Watch the following clip, note down what you have learned and then create a poster on the different ways to make positive changes ... Continue reading P3- Friday 5th June

Deans Den- Friday 5th June

Happy World Environment Day!! Today, we are going to explore why it is important to look after the environment around us. Watch the clip and then you could draw the different ways you could help to save the planet. Have fun and I will check in with you all next week.

Primary One - Friday 5th June 2020

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you all had a great day yesterday and managed to complete some of the activities I posted. Some new tasks for you to try. Enjoy! Activity 1 - New Sound L.I. to understand that a letter shape is a "picture" of the sound I hear S.C. I can ... Continue reading Primary One - Friday 5th June 2020

Primary 7 5.06.20

Information for 5.06.20 Answers Statistics - Drawing Graphs Statistics - Pie Charts

P6/7 June 6, 2020

Am I wrong song lyrics comprehension Break Teams check in with P6/7 Maths online games

P4 Health and Wellbeing - 5th June

Here is the link to the health and wellbeing work described on Teams: Jigsaw - Relationships 5th June

P4 Science - 5th June

As explained on Teams, choose one of the science tasks from this booklet to complete. Share your work on Teams James Dyson Science Challenge Cards

P4- Monday 8th June

CfE Level 1 MNU 1-11a cfe2-p-39-pe-games-and-activities-challenge-cards_ver_1 t-pe-250-joe-wicks-5-minute-move-workout-1-cards_ver_10 T-L-1089-Suffixes-Worksheet_ver_1 dissolving activity Water turbines

Primary 2 - Monday 8th June 2020

Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! You should now be moving on to your week 10 pack of work. Here are some activities to go alongside your packs! Reading username - deansprimary2 password - missborsbey Can you find any words with the following sounds; ch, sh, ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Monday 8th June 2020

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