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"Corona Virus - A book for Children"

This digital book comes from the "Jigsaw PSHE" programme, which we use throughout the school for Health and Wellbeing. It is a great way to have a discussion - perhaps with the whole family- as things gradually begin to change. 03-Coronavirus-A-Book-For-Children

P5 Thursday 11th June

Good Morning! Let's get energized. Here is the link to the Joe Wicks workout : or if you would like to try some Street Dance Moves try these videos on this site: I am in a staff meeting from about 9:30 until about 11am so I will post the morning activities on Teams that ... Continue reading P5 Thursday 11th June

P5/6 Thursday 11th June

Please do the work that is most appropriate for you. I set a lot of different activities so that you can choose what is best for your own personal learning. Maths: This seems to be working well for everyone: all of you seem to have material that is appropriate. Finish money first and then move ... Continue reading P5/6 Thursday 11th June

Deans Den- Thursday 11th June

Good morning all and I hope you are safe and well. I miss our time together and have been thinking about the learning we used to enjoy. One of our favourite activities was to have some quiet time watching Auntie Mable and Pippin on their adventures. I have attached the episode where they explore where ... Continue reading Deans Den- Thursday 11th June

Primary 2 - Thursday 11th June 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the Wellbeing Wednesday activities as much as I did! Here are some activities for the day to go along with your learning packs. Writing Mrs Anderson has set you a writing challenge! Write a postcard to a friend from your dream holiday. Let your imagination run wild. ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Thursday 11th June 2020

P.3 11/6/20

Hello boys and girls, I hope everyone has had a good week and you are ready for Thursday's home learning tasks. Let's start with some classical music to put us in a good mood. If you go to 10.26 there is music from Swan Lake that I think you would like. R.E. Lets look ... Continue reading P.3 11/6/20

Thursday 11th June 2020

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed yesterdays "Wellness Wednesday" activities. Instead of a good morning quote I thought it would be a good idea to start the day with a song. The song below is from the Learning Station and I know how much you love singing their songs. So enjoy sharing this ... Continue reading Thursday 11th June 2020

Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 11.06.20

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Thursday boys and girls, I hope you enjoyed yesterday's Wellbeing Wednesday tasks and you are ready for a fun Thursday. Keep working through your packs (hopefully you have now received your new pack) and checking here for any additional activities. Let's start of the day with a song. Do you remember ... Continue reading Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 11.06.20

P6/7 June 11, 2010

Exercise Writing Break Idioms- PowerPoint BS_idioms english_idioms idiomaticstory Equations Lunch #Lesson Presentation Spectacular Spectrum Activity Sheet Spectacular Spectrum

Deans Den- Friday 12th June

Happy Friday everyone, hope you are all safe and well!! Today, we are going to focus on improving our cooking skills, Mrs Morrison certainly needs the practice!!! In today's episode of Big Cook, Little Cook, the chefs prepare Bagel Wheels for Betty the Bus Driver. Sounds delicious!! Have a great weekend and I will check ... Continue reading Deans Den- Friday 12th June

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