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Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 11.06.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Thursday boys and girls, I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s Wellbeing Wednesday tasks and you are ready for a fun Thursday. Keep working through your packs (hopefully you have now received your new pack) and checking here for any additional activities.

Let’s start of the day with a song. Do you remember this one, it’s an oldie but a goodie… teach your adult the moves..


Today we are going to choose a non-fiction text from Oxford Owls. Can you tell your adult what the difference between fiction and non-fiction is? To access Oxford Owls follow the link and use the following details.      username deans12    password mrsstevenson   

Access the book ‘What’s in the Woods?’

Before reading can you make a list of all the living things you might find in the wood? Then with the help of an adult, read through the book, make sure you talk about the pictures and use them to help you decode any tricky words in the text. Use the questions at the back of the book for discussion with your adult.

Whilst we’re on the topic of woods and wilderness…today’s random act of wildness is..

This sounds fantastic, who doesn’t love to have a picnic outside! Although some of those birds can be a bit greedy so watch out – best to make up a nice snack of seeds for them too, see how many different birds you can attract to your garden.

Why not write a picnic list of all your favourite treats, try to include some healthy snacks too! Ask an adult to help you prepare your picnic and go and enjoy.  Whilst enjoying your picnic what birds can you spot?  You could even make your own binoculars for a bit of bird watching. Here are some ideas for inspiration.. super easy and I’m sure everyone has plenty of toilet rolls laying around.

I would love to see any pictures you take of your picnic or of any birds you happen to spot!


Today I would like you to practise a writing the wh sound using a join between the two letters. Have a go in your jotters, don’t forget to use a sharp pencil and to rest your letters on the line, making sure the tall letters reach high.  Green for growth and tickle pink your work after!

Whilst we are focusing on handwriting. Below is a copy of the nursery rhyme Jack and Jill, if you have any fancy paper, practise your handwriting by copying out the poem in your very very best handwriting and draw a lovely picture to illustrate it. Again, it would love to see any of your work!

Numeracy and Maths

Let’s warm up with a song to help us with our daily ten…

Find the difference…. this is another way of saying take away. Find the difference between 5 and 10, we always know that when subtracting the biggest number goes first! So the calculation would be 10-5 = 5

So here are your daily ten for today. (write out the calculation making sure the symbols go in the correct place!)

  1. Find the difference between 7 and 9.
  2. Find the difference between  20 and 10
  3. Find the difference between 4 and 6
  4. Find the difference between 10 and 2
  5. Find the difference between 6 and 9
  6. Find the difference between 3 and 10
  7. Find the difference between 12 and 2
  8. Find the difference between 11 and 1
  9. Find the difference between 15 and 0
  10. Find the difference between 3 and 13

Can you remember all the different words for take away? Make a list of all the ones you can remember.

Story Time

Grab your milk or water bottle and have a listen to this story, ‘The Very Lonely Firefly’  by Eric Carle

I’ve always been really interested in fireflies and their glowing bodies, when I was in New Zealand I got to visit some caves with thousands of glow worms, it was so amazing! Here is a little clip – totally amazing and fascinating!

What can you find out about fireflies…

Can you make your own fact file about fire flies?

Or how about having a go at making something which glows in the dark? So cool, especially on these summer nights.

13 Super Cool Glow in the Dark Activities Kids Will Love

Finally, have a go at drawing your own fire flies in a jar.

I hope you have enjoyed all of the home learning activities for today. Have a great weekend boys and Girls, Mrs Lockhart will be posting activities tomorrow for you. Stay safe, I miss you all.

Mrs Stevenson


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