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P5 Monday 8th June

Good morning - Let' get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or anything that interests you. Smart Start-Maths Online Games-Logic Puzzles This will probably take a few attempts! This one is amazing-it seems to read your mind! This one has different levels to work through-you do this by clicking on the different ... Continue reading P5 Monday 8th June

Primary One - Monday 8th June 2020

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Monday! I hope you all had a fantastic Weekend! Your new learning packs will be available for collection soon, we are having a few technical problems at the moment and when they are resolved we will let you know. So in the mean time some tasks for you to do today. ... Continue reading Primary One - Monday 8th June 2020

P5/6 Monday 8th June

Maths: Finish money first and then move onto measure. I think all 4 parts of TJay 2a Chapter 13 (a,b,c and d) are useful. This will help support your work on decimals to 3 places. If you have finished these you could do TJay 2a revision work on decimals: Chapters 5 and 7 TJay ... Continue reading P5/6 Monday 8th June

Primary 3 - Monday 8th June

Good morning everyone! Hope you are well and had an enjoyable weekend. Let's start off with this today: Remember to keep tuning in to Joe Wicks daily too!!! Numeracy For a Number Talk today, let's think about what we already know for number bonds to 10 - we have number pairs that make ... Continue reading Primary 3 - Monday 8th June

It's Monday! Primary 1/2 08.06.20

Good Morning Everyone! Good Morning Boys and Girls, I hope that you all had a fabulous weekend, are safe, happy and healthy, and of course ready for another week of home learning tasks. Hopefully your new packs will be ready soon, we are having a few technical issues!! PE Let's start off the week by ... Continue reading It's Monday! Primary 1/2 08.06.20

P6/7 June 8, 2020

Black lives matter picture news break Algebra_ function machine alliteration-free-worksheets lunch t2-t-1532-lks2-bbc-teach-live-lesson-blue-planet-powerpoint_ver_3 Plastic Amnesty Poster Template Recycled Plastic Sculpture Design Sheet

Deans Den- Tuesday 9th June

Good Morning!! I hope you are all safe and well. Yesterday was World Ocean Day, so I thought we could look at the different ways we could look after the ocean and the many creatures who live there. Ask a grown up to show you the powerpoint about ways of looking after the ocean and ... Continue reading Deans Den- Tuesday 9th June

Primary 2 - Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good morning everyone! Here are some fun learning activities to go along with your packs! Spelling You will find the spelling words for your group in your learning grids which are in your packs. Here is a reminder of your sounds this week and some games you can play for each sound. Green - 'a-e' ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Tuesday 9th June 2020

Happy Tuesday Primary 1/2! 09.06.20

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Tuesday! I hope everybody had a great Monday and you are ready for all of Tuesday's home learning tasks. Reading This week we have been reading 'Painting the loft' to access the book log into oxford Owls e-books, username deans12 password mrsstevenson For today's task you can either ... Continue reading Happy Tuesday Primary 1/2! 09.06.20

Primary One - Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you are all well and ready to learn. Some new learning tasks for you to complete. Enjoy! Activity 1 - New Sound L.I. to understand that 3 letters can make 1 sound S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape S.C. I can blend this sound ... Continue reading Primary One - Tuesday 9th June 2020

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