Glow Blogs Archive
Writing - P5, P6/7 and P7
As always, only complete this when your class teacher asks you to! This week we are going to use - You have a choice of mild, spicy, hot activities: Mild - look at the picture and continue the the story starter (you don't have to copy it out !! ) Spicy - answer the ... Continue reading Writing - P5, P6/7 and P7
P4 Reading - 26th May
These are the reading tasks to follow our live reading session of The Boy in the Dress. Have fun! The Boy in the Dress - Agony Aunt The Boy in the Dress - Match of the Day Activity
P4 Spelling - 26th May
Spelling words and activities for today Spelling Words - 26th May Spelling Activities
Well-being Wednesday
It's Well-being Wednesday again! Take time out to relax and enjoy spending time with you family. Click on the link below for this week's well-being Wednesday activities Wellbeing Wednesday
Thursday 28.5.20
Hello boys and girls, I hope everyone has had a good week and you are ready for Thursday's home learning tasks. Let's start with some dancing! R.E. Today there is a powerpoint for you to look at. We have watched it before but we didn't complete the activity it suggests. It is a good ... Continue reading Thursday 28.5.20
P5 Thursday 28th May
Good Morning! Let's get energized. Here is the link to the Joe Wicks workout : or if you prefer another work-out do that instead. Smart Start-Number of the Day Spicy Spicier 3 digit Spiciest HOT HOT HOT Don't forget to mark your answers when you have finished.Chat will go on ... Continue reading P5 Thursday 28th May
Primary One - Thursday 28th May 2020
Good Morning Everyone! Happy Thursday! I hope you all had a great day yesterday and enjoyed "Wellness Wednesday". I managed to get more plants planted in my garden and now have to stop my dog Alfie from eating them. A big thank you to Sophie's mum for sending a picture of her poster. Sophie it ... Continue reading Primary One - Thursday 28th May 2020
Primary 2 - Thursday 28th May 2020
Happy Thursday everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Wellbeing Wednesday! Here are some activities to go along with your learning packs for today. Remember to stay safe in the sun! The first thing I would like you to do today is to watch this video all about sun safety. It has been so lovely ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Thursday 28th May 2020
Deans Den- Thursday 28th May
Good Morning!! I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying the beautiful weather. Have you remembered some of the sun safety rules? I think whilst the weather is good, we should continue to explore the outdoors. Mrs Morrison has been busy planting flowers in her garden!! I have attached instructions on how to ... Continue reading Deans Den- Thursday 28th May
Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 28.5.20
Good Morning Everyone! Good morning boys and girls, I hope you all enjoyed yesterday's Wellbeing Wednesday activities and managed to spend some time outside in the sunshine. Keep working through your home learning packs and here are some additional activities for today. Before we start... remember this...have a little dance to start off your day ... Continue reading Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 28.5.20