Glow Blogs Archive
P5/6 Friday 22nd May
Fun Friday! Highest priority is the survey: Second priority today is "Learning in P56". I have up-loaded "Our Learning in P56", which I have partially made with the help of Ethan and Thomas. Please will you check it and tell me what we are missing. What about the assemblies we have done? What about ... Continue reading P5/6 Friday 22nd May
Primary One - Friday 22nd May 2020
Good Morning Everyone! Hope you have all had a good week and enjoyed the beautiful sunny weather we has yesterday. Some task for you to do today. Activity 1 - Phonics ch sound L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter ... Continue reading Primary One - Friday 22nd May 2020
P3 - Friday 22nd May
Happy Friday P3, hope you are all safe and well. I hope you are working through your learning packs prepared by Mrs Hillan. Did you take part in activities set by Mrs Stewart for Well- Being Wednesday? Mrs Morrison went for a long walk in the sunshine and was very tired afterwards!! Science Today, we ... Continue reading P3 - Friday 22nd May
Deans Den- Friday 22nd May
Good morning and Happy Friday to you all!! As it's the last day of the school week, I thought we would enjoy some cooking. During our group time we talked about People who Help us and what jobs you would like to do when you are older. Some of you wanted to become Fire Officers ... Continue reading Deans Den- Friday 22nd May
P.1/2 Friday 22.05.20
Good Morning P.1/2 I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another day of learning! I thought we could try another way to start our day and learn some new dance moves! Enjoy! 2D shape Now to continue our shape work. We have been looking at 2D shapes (they are the ... Continue reading P.1/2 Friday 22.05.20
Primary 2 - Friday 22nd May 2020
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful week so far and are staying safe! Here are some activities to go along with your learning packs and to finish off your week! Spelling Follow the link for your group to see your phonics video for this week. Can you spot any of ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Friday 22nd May 2020
Primary 7 22/05/20
Information for Friday 22 Writing
P6/7 22nd May 2020
Let's start the day with Joe Wicks Gratitude - Lesson Presentation Gratitude 1 and 2 point perspective drawing
P4 Health and Wellbeing - 22nd May
Here is the relationship circle template for today's health and wellbeing task as explained in Teams: Relationship Circle
P5/6 Monday 25th May
Highest priority today is "Learning in P56". I have up-dated and up-loaded "Our Learning in P56", which I have partially made with the help of Ethan and Thomas. Please will you check it and tell me what we are missing. What about the assemblies we have done? What about the birthday celebrations? Try to think ... Continue reading P5/6 Monday 25th May