Glow Blogs Archive
Primary 1 - Thursday 14th May 2020
Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed "Wellness Wednesday " and were able to enjoy some of the activities. By now you should have your next learning pack which contains 3 weeks of work. Some additional task for today- Activity 1 - Phonics sh L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound ... Continue reading Primary 1 - Thursday 14th May 2020
Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 14.5.20
Good Morning Everyone! Good Morning boys and girls, I hope you are all ready for Thursday's home learning tasks. Did you enjoy the tasks for Wellbeing Wednesday? Reading Let's start with a reading activity for this week's book - 'Leek Hotpot' - you can access this book through oxford owls ebooks, username deans12 password mrsstevenson Re- ... Continue reading Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 14.5.20
Thursday 14/05/20
Hello boys and girls, I hope everyone has had a good week and you are ready for Thursday's home learning tasks. I thought we might start today with a dance workout. R.E. For the next wee while in our religious studies we are going to look at celebrations and festivals. We are going to focus ... Continue reading Thursday 14/05/20
Primary 2 - Thursday 14th May 2020
Good Morning everyone! I hope you all found Wellbeing Wednesday fantastic - I know I did! You should now have your week 6 pack of learning at home. Here are some activities to go along with your new pack. Numeracy As we are focusing on fractions this week, here is a fraction challenge all about ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Thursday 14th May 2020
Primary 7 14.05.20
Thursday 14th May Before Break Adding and Subtracting Fractions Medium Adding and Subtracting Fractions Spicy Extra Spicy After Lunch The Plague in Edinburgh
P6/7 May 14, 2020
PM writing 4+ (for P6/7 and P7 classes) Break percentage of amount worksheet Personal Interest Project (PIP) Lunch LI_ alice in wonderland escape room
Have you heard the story "The huge bag of worries" ? I like it because it reminds us that lots of people have worries and the more you think about them and carry them around in your mind, it is like carrying a bag that gets heavier and heavier until it's just too much to ... Continue reading Worries!
National Photo competition - "HOLD STILL" - a moment in time Spearheaded by The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of the National Portrait Gallery, Hold Still, a portrait of our nation in 2020, is an ambitious community project to create a unique photographic portrait which captures the spirit, mood, hopes, fears and feelings of the nation as we continue to deal with the Coronavirus outbreak. Whilst many people's ... Continue reading National Photo competition - "HOLD STILL" - a moment in time
P5 Friday 15th May
Good Morning! Let's get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : or any other work-out you want to do. Reminder- a weekly West Lothian Sumdog maths contest starts today at 8am. You just play as normal. If you answer 100 questions you will receive an item for your Sumdog House. Smart Start - Free Write-Free ... Continue reading P5 Friday 15th May
Primary 2 - Friday 15th May 2020
Good Morning everyone! Happy Friday! Here are some learning activities to finish off your week along with your learning packs. Remember to complete the wellbeing slogan competition which was emailed to you on Wednesday and send your designs to! Spelling Here are your phonics videos for the week! Follow the link for your group and ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Friday 15th May 2020