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Healthy Hub!

I have already posted a number of activities that are suitable for whole families to support our Health and Wellbeing. But how do we know what works well ? There are 5 ways identified by the NHS to support our Wellbeing, and below is a short cartoon (filmed before Lockdown!) to explain. lbeing/SitePages/Home-Learning.aspx ... Continue reading Healthy Hub!

P5 Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning everybody. Let's get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or anything else you like. Smart start -Newsround - Then write 3 sentences about what you learnt.Extension - If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website it has some great stuff on there! I will put chat on at about 9:55 to ... Continue reading P5 Tuesday 12th May

P5/6 Tuesday 12th May

Hello all! I am going to copy each day's "Daily Plan" ( I have changed the name from "Read Me First") document from Team's "Files" into the blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps. However it seems as though I can not put in some materials into ... Continue reading P5/6 Tuesday 12th May

Primary 2 - Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good Morning everyone! I hope you are all safe and well! Here are some learning activities today to go along with your packs. Remember your new packs can be collected from school tomorrow! I have added some new games to Education City to include some of the new things we have been learning. Go and ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Tuesday 12th May 2020

Primary One - Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you are all well and ready to learn! A few tasks for you to try. Activity 1 - Phonics sh L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds ... Continue reading Primary One - Tuesday 12th May 2020

Deans Den- Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning!! I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying spending time with your family. Today, we are going to learn about what qualities make a good friend? During group time, we talk a lot about being kind to one another, how 'sharing is caring' and how our actions might affect other people. ... Continue reading Deans Den- Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning Primary 1/2 12.5.20

Good Morning Everyone! Good morning boys and girls, Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is safe and well and ready for today's home learning tasks. Let's jump right in.... Have you all been working out with Joe Wicks in the morning? Here is a link to join in if you wish to get your body ... Continue reading Good Morning Primary 1/2 12.5.20

Primary 7 12.05.20

Statement for Tuesday 12th May 2020 Adding and Subtracting Fractions Spicy Extra Spicy 11:00 - 11:30 Out of the Depth video chat The Plague in Edinburgh

Primary 3 - Tuesday 12th May

Good morning everyone! Hope you are all well today and ready to learn. Try to keep your fitness levels up. Remember to tune into Joe Wicks every day! I thought you might enjoy trying out these today: Numeracy Choose a number between 0 - 50. Make a poster showing how many different ... Continue reading Primary 3 - Tuesday 12th May

P6/7 May 12, 2020

Good morning all! Let's start the day with physical exercise of your own choice e.g yoga, Joe Wicks, Zumba etc. LI and instruction Percentage from an amount For extra Maths, please go to this link Morning break LI and instructions_ Colons and semi colons t2-e-5128-using-semicolons-activity-sheet-_ver_1 Reading_ Night Bombers Lunch Viking longhouse

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