Good Morning Primary 1/2 12.5.20
Good Morning Everyone!
Good morning boys and girls, Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is safe and well and ready for today’s home learning tasks. Let’s jump right in….
Have you all been working out with Joe Wicks in the morning? Here is a link to join in if you wish to get your body moving first. Here is the link to yesterday’s workout, you can follow the link to tune in and go live at 9 am.
Yesterday I introduced you to the book ‘Leek Hotpot’ on oxford Owls ebooks. Log in again and have another read with an adult.
Jumbled up sentences
Here are some jumbled sentences from the story. Can you put them back into the correct order so that the sentences make sense? Remember the capital letter will go first and the full stop at the end. Read over your sentence when you have finished to check you have got it right. You can use the ebook to help you.
- leeks. They a of lot had
- chicken pot. Dad in put the the
- Mum been had shop. the to
- lid Dad hot the off pot. took the
Finally, I found a fun game online to help you with reading and spelling of tricky words. Check out ‘Spooky Spelling’, how many can you get correct? Don’t forget to keep practising all the sounds and words already in your word tubs/ on your word wall from the last home learning pack.
Phonics – /sh/
How many /sh/ words can you find in the picture below? Find the different picture and have a go at sounding out the word and writing them down. Is the /sh/ sound at the start of the word or the end?
Handwriting the /sh/ join
Let’s have a go at writing the sound by joining both the letters together. Do you remember all the success criteria’s relating to handwriting? Can you share them with an adult, what do we have to do to be successful?
- Use a sharp pencil
- Rest your letters on the line
- Make sure the letters are the right size
- Don’t lift your pencil off until you have finished
- Take your time and keep trying
You could even self assess your work when you have finished, green for growth and tickled pink.
I have added the game ‘Ship Shape‘ into the Home learning section of our educationcity class area. Good luck, I look forward to seeing all your super scores!
Numeracy and Maths
Daily Ten
Here are your daily ten questions for today. Remember we are focusing on adding on ten to say ten more. Do you remember the trick? It’s really easy, especially if you have a 100 square to help you.
- 53 2. 71 3. 60 4. 55 5. 10 6. 90 7. 33 8. 28 9. 14 10. 66
Good luck.
As we are reaching the end of our introduction to money topic, I have found this fun video online to recap some of the coins to 10p. I am looking forward to hearing how everyone has got on with all the little money challenges I have set for you over the last few weeks. You can email any pictures or work to our school email address.
Health and Wellbeing
We are going to be exploring our relationships. starting off with our own families. Everyone’s family is different and there are lots of different types of family. Today I would like you to think about your own family. Here are some key questions to consider.
Who is in my family?
What do each of these people mean to me?
Think of one special thing about each of the member/s of your family? -(what do they do for you that makes them special, makes you appreciate them?)
Use the template (or make your own) to draw all the people in your family. Remember, families come in all different shapes and sizes, people who are in your family might not live in the same house as you and that’s ok!
Can you complete the sentence.
My family is special because……
Good luck with all of today’s tasks, I hope you enjoy them. I will be back on Thursday with lots of different learning ideas, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Wallace will be posting some ‘Wellbeing Wednesday‘ tasks for you.
Mrs Stevenson