Glow Blogs Archive
Primary 7 28/05/20
Information for 28th May Break Answers to medium Q1 Answers to Q2 Spicy Percentages Medium Percentages Spicy Break - Lunch Comprehension Medium Comprehension Mild Comprehension Spicy Comprehension Very Spicy
"While we can't hug" - a story for all of us!
Mrs McMillan found this lovely story - I think everyone will love this right now!
P6/7 May 28, 2020
Create a role_ headline- Writing - P5, P6/7 and P7 LI_ evaluating bill and calculating salary
P4 Reading - 28th May
Here is the link to the book review as mentioned on Teams: Book Review I can't wait to see your completed reviews
P5 Friday 29th May
Good Morning!Let's get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : or any other work-out you want to do. Smart Start - Choose Quiet reading or Free Write Chat will go back on about 10:00 am.-Why not work outside in the shade? After Break Maths - Money Revise coins and notes and how to solve money problems ... Continue reading P5 Friday 29th May
Primary 7 29/05/20
information for 29th May Medium Answers Percentages Medium Percentages Spicy Spicy Answers
Friday 29.5.20
Good Morning P.1/2 I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another day of learning! I thought we could try another way to start our day and listen to some classical music to inspire us! 2D & 3D shape Now to continue our shape work. We have been looking ... Continue reading Friday 29.5.20
Primary 2 - Friday 29th May 2020
Happy Friday everyone! Here are some learning activities to go along with your packs! You can collect your new learning packs from Wednesday 3rd June. Spelling Here are your phonics videos for your sounds this week! Can you spot any of your spelling words? Green, Purple & Pink Yellow Blue Numeracy Today, we are going to practice ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Friday 29th May 2020
Deans Den - Friday 29th May
Good Morning!! I hope you are all safe and well and have enjoyed learning this week. On Fridays, we explore different recipes to enjoy, have you made any with your grown ups? In today's episode of Big Cook, Little Cook the chefs prepare a dish called 'Dotty Hairstyles' for Harriet the Hairdresser! I wonder what ... Continue reading Deans Den - Friday 29th May
P3- Friday 29th May
Good morning P3, I hope you all have had a great week!! Here are some learning ideas for you to enjoy; Science We are going to look at evolution, what does this mean? Discuss your ideas with a grown up and then watch the following clip about fossils. Can you write down at least three ... Continue reading P3- Friday 29th May