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Glow Blogs Archive

Primary 5's Update

This week in Primary 5 we have been very lucky to start sessions on digital learning with the help of Mrs Buntin. We are beginning by looking at coding. This week we spoke about creating algorithms and we made some up to make BeeBot move to make a chosen digital number by going forward, left, ... Continue reading Primary 5's Update

Weekly Update From Primary One

Hello and welcome to this weeks blog. We have had an extremely busy learning week. Some pictures the children wanted to share with you. Numeracy and Maths- Patterns and Relationships This week we have been looking at patterns. The children have been copying, continuing and patterns using cubes, beads and colours. Some pictures below- ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One

What have P6 Been Up to this week?

Smart Starts - This week we have been playing Wordle every day. It is a game where you have to work out the unknown word. On Friday we solved the daily puzzle in just 4 tries! You might want to try : Numeracy This week was Patterns and Sequences focus week. We learnt about ... Continue reading What have P6 Been Up to this week?

Primary 4 Class 21.01.2022

What a fantastic week we've had! We learnt to use apostrophes to shorten two into one, we got a visit from Draco the Dragon who asked us to write a story about him and we asked questions about our novels. For IDL, we used google maps to locate our school and where we are in ... Continue reading Primary 4 Class 21.01.2022

P6/5 Week starting Monday 17th January

Monday: Maths - All groups were looking at fractions again today; one group were looking at a problem solving activity that involved common denominators. They were also then given support to teach another group how to solve word problems. Literacy - new spelling words out to all. Continuing work on our group reading books. Also ... Continue reading P6/5 Week starting Monday 17th January

This Week in P3

Literacy In reading this week, we were developing our skimming and scanning skills. We were given a text about Robert Burns and then we had to answer questions about him and his life. We would highlight the key words and find the answer in the text. This would help us when writing the answer. ... Continue reading This Week in P3

Primary 2

17/01/2022 Maths The children have started a new topic in maths this week with Mrs Lockhart. They have been learning to tell the time with a key focus on o'clock. Yoga We are continuing to work on Yoga in the classroom to help us focus on our work. There are many different Yoga poses for ... Continue reading Primary 2

This Week in Primary 5

This week in Primary 5 we have been busy filming our Sharing the Learning video to send out to our parents and carers to tell them all about what we are learning in Numeracy and Maths and how people at home can help us. We have been working on dividing by 8 and 6, or ... Continue reading This Week in Primary 5

Weekly Update From Primary One

Welcome to this week's blog. It has been another busy learning week at Deans. Some highlights the children wanted to share with you. Maths - Time This week we have been learning to tell the time. We have been ordering days of the week, seasons and exploring months of the year. On Monday, we ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One

P6/5 Week starting Monday 24th January

P6/5 Week starting Monday 24th January Monday: Literacy focus on spelling Scottish words. Also extended writing on adventure stories. KH was proud of their written work. Maths was spent looking at mathematical patterns. Art focus was on looking at the work of Charles Rennie Macintosh. Tuesday: In Maths most of the class continued ... Continue reading P6/5 Week starting Monday 24th January

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