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This Week in P3

Literacy In writing, we had to persuade the reader that it is important to protect the Earth. We watched a video and this helped us plan our arguments. When writing our final piece, we used our plan to help us with the correct structure. We had to add in bossy words to persuade the ... Continue reading This Week in P3

P6 Weekly Update - Maths Champions!!

Numeracy This week we worked hard practising all of our maths and numeracy skills in a Sumdog Competition against classes in schools across West Lothian. We were able to score individually and as a whole class. Jaxson - At one point I was in 2nd place! On the first day of the competition we were ... Continue reading P6 Weekly Update - Maths Champions!!

P5 Digital Day

As part of Developing Young Workforce and promoting Digital Learning, P5 have enjoyed a "Digital Day" today. They have taken part in workshops including keyboard skills, animation and block coding. To see more digital learning, take a look at our Twitter page @MrsBuntinICT

P4 Digital Day

Today P4 have been working on all things digital as part of DYW / Digital Learning. They were very competitive learning keyboard skills. They had to do a lot of problem solving and debugging to get their Lego creations to move correctly. Everyone enjoyed creating a short stop frame animation. Everyone had a great time. ... Continue reading P4 Digital Day

Our Week In Primary 5

We have had another busy week in Primary 5 and we started it off with a very fun day of Digital Learning on Monday! We worked in 3 groups - one on typing skills, one on making Stop Frame Animation and one on coding. We discussed how these skills will be useful for us not ... Continue reading Our Week In Primary 5

What have P6 Been up to This Week?

Health We discussed why people bully and strategies to deal with bullying. As part of this learning we role-played different situations. Maths and Numeracy In number talks we consolidated our addition skills. On Tuesday we played an addition and subtraction loop game. Jaxson and Naavah came first! They won 5 raffle tickets each. We also ... Continue reading What have P6 Been up to This Week?

P4/3 Learning Highlights this Week.

This week we have been getting into the festive spirit in our classroom. We have enjoyed opening the Deans decisions Makers advent calendar each morning. We have loved the fitness challenges and sharing what has been making us happy each day. We have also started researching all of the Victorian Christmas Traditions which we love ... Continue reading P4/3 Learning Highlights this Week.

P6 Digital Day

P6 had fun during their Digital Day today. They experienced creating short stop frame animations, trying block coding and improving their keyboard skills. They have also practised uploading files to their class teams page. To see more digital learning, take a look at our Twitter page @MrsBuntinICT

Weekly Update From Primary One

Welcome to this weeks blog. On Friday of last week the children took part in Participation Friday. This event happens once a month and enables the children to become more involved in the local community. In Primary 1, we will be visiting local attractions in Deans and giving them a rating out of 5 ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One

P6/5 Friday 10th December

Monday 6th Maths: continuing our work on algebra this morning we looked at function machines. MM and SU continued their work on word problems. ShP was again pleased with the work he produced. Literacy: summarising group reading books. MiD was especially pleased with the neatness of the presentation of his work. We finished reading "Macbeth" ... Continue reading P6/5 Friday 10th December

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