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P6 Weekly Update - Maths Champions!!


This week we worked hard practising all of our maths and numeracy skills in a Sumdog Competition against classes in schools across West Lothian. We were able to score individually and as a whole class.

Jaxson – At one point I was in 2nd place!

On the first day of the competition we were in first place and received a certificate in recognition of all our hard work. It is a PDF document and if you click here : sumdog certificate hopefully you can see it.

Eventually when the competition finished we came fourth and Mrs Stewart gave the class ten minutes extra play as a reward. (Extra coffee for Miss Stanway!)Some of us had even been on Sumdog at home in order to help the whole class.

We alo worked on the concept of chance and probability which is the likelihood of something happening. These are some of the words we used:

Alexis : impossible  Cameron : even chance

We came up with fun examples:

Hope – It is impossible that I can fly (without equipment).

Lily E – In a set of 10 cards with the numbers 1-10 it is impossible that a 12 will be picked.

Jaxson – It is an even chance when flipping a coin that it will land on heads.

We also used more mathematical examples using numbers such as 1 in 6 and 1 in 8.

Loop Games

In our loop game this week we had to add decimals. You have to go around the room and find clues and work with your partner to complete the puzzle!

There are raffle tickets to be won for first,second and third place but we get help too if we need it!

Some of us won prizes for our work on addition this term.

Emily – I was surprised how well I did!

Alexis – I was proud of my addition score!


Writing – We produced some great persuasive pieces about why we should save the planet.

We had our last online lesson with Mrs Cochrane and practised our summarising skills.

In group reading we consolidated our prediction skills.


We finished our WW2 timeline. Here is Callum and Emily organising their group’s dates.

This is just a part of the completed timeline!

Cameron – I enjoyed doing the WW2 timeline.

Outdoor Learning

We practised our teamwork skills and built dens!

Robbie had injured his thumb so he took the photos!

P.E. – Rugby

Piotr – I enjoyed playing rugby and improved my passing and catching skills.

Jaxson – I Was proud because I could spin the ball when throwing it.

Hope – I could spin the ball.

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