Glow Blogs Archive
P4 Code Beebot
P4 have been learning how to program a Beebot robot toy. It looks easy, but there was a challenge to get the Beebot to trace digital numerals. Please follow us on Twitter @MrsBuntinICT to see more digital learning!
P4/3 Coding
Today we have started to learn how to write block code. We have had a very exciting lesson. Please follow us on Twitter @MrsBuntinICT to see more of our digital learning!
Primary 2 - WC 15/11/2021
Numeracy In numeracy this week, we have been working on subtraction. It has been tricky but the children have enjoyed our numeracy stations. This is where we spend 10 minutes at each table working in our workbook, games to support our learning, laptops and much more! Literacy In literacy this week, we have been continuing ... Continue reading Primary 2 - WC 15/11/2021
P 6/5 Friday 19th November
Monday 15th On Sunday AD laid a wreath at the local church for remembrance day. In maths MM, AD, SD and SU continued to lead the learning on long division. In PE MaD managed two and a half lengths on the bar and then SD did ten! DW has made some excellent notes to support ... Continue reading P 6/5 Friday 19th November
18.11.2021 P4 Class
This week we learnt to use Split strategy for subtraction. We have also been learning follow directions using navigational vocabulary such as clockwise, and anti-clockwise. We followed directions for going North, East, South and East. We made dioramas representing our favorite book. wrote a persuasive text with uplevelled vocabulary and we used our summarising skills ... Continue reading 18.11.2021 P4 Class
This Week in P3
Literacy This week, we have been practicing our spelling every day. We have been practicing our words in many different ways. We have been playing games with our spelling words such a roll, read and write. In reading this week, we have been continuing to develop our skills when reading with expression. For ... Continue reading This Week in P3
An Update from Primary 5
We have had a busy week in Primary 5 this week. In Numeracy we have continued looking at Place Value and larger numbers in general. We worked together on some number talks this week too. We looked at Friendly Numbers. We could see how if you worked out the answer to one question, then you ... Continue reading An Update from Primary 5
Learning Highlights from P4/3
This week has been a busy and quick week. On Monday in Green Gym we were being animal detectives. We had previously laid cat food out in trays of soil and mud. We then came back to these trays to investigate and look for any animal footprints. We were convinced that we saw deer footprints! ... Continue reading Learning Highlights from P4/3
Weekly Update From Primary One
Some of this weeks highlights. Persuasive Writing This weeks persuasive piece of writing was about why exercise is good for you. The children had great ideas and the writing was amazing. Some children writing 2 sentences and all children attempting to sound out words independently. I am so proud of them all! Numeracy This week ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One
Primary 4 Bug Hotel
Primary 4 are building a bug hotel and yesterday they were sawing branches that they had found.