P 6/5 Friday 19th November
Monday 15th
On Sunday AD laid a wreath at the local church for remembrance day.
In maths MM, AD, SD and SU continued to lead the learning on long division.
In PE MaD managed two and a half lengths on the bar and then SD did ten!
DW has made some excellent notes to support his learning about COP 26 and climate change.
SJR and SP are especially proud of the work they did in front of lots of other children from across the cluster in reciprocal reading.
Tuesday 16th
Maths: long division
Art: displays
Persuasive writing: Frank Lampard should be the manager of Rangers. CB excelled in this activity and was also able to be supported by his elder sibling, DB. MM and ShP (who whispered!) were also very supportive in this activity.
Summary: COP 26
Ms T also supported a group for their persuasive writing
ICT: we tried to log on as many people from the class onto GLOW, and AD was especially supportive
Wednesday 17th
We worked on pronouns and MM excelled in this.
JH shared his love of the ukulele with Mrs D
COP26: note taking. SB and MDr did exceptionally well.
Maths: continuation of work on tables and long division.
Thursday 18th
COP 26: What happened (summary) – stickers for KH, MiD
Whole class very excited about new drama activity: Shakespeare’s Hamlet!
Maths: angles – acute, obtuse and right and the corresponding number of degrees. NB and LH are especially proud of the maths work he did.
EY has been working with another member of the
Friday 19th
Literacy: the whole class are now really into Shakespeare, which we continued.
PE: rolls with SD and SU leading the learning. EC very proud of her achievements in this
Maths: Education City progressively more difficult levels