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An Update from Primary 5

We have had a busy week in Primary 5 this week.

In Numeracy we have continued looking at Place Value and larger numbers in general.

We worked together on some number talks this week too. We looked at Friendly Numbers. We could see how if you worked out the answer to one question, then you could use this to easily answer a question with similar numbers involved.


In Literacy we have been practising our spelling words this week by creating some spelling rainbows and some partner work. We played Spelling Tennis this week, where we spelled out our words whilst passing the ball back and forth on each letter.


In Reading we have revisited our predicting skills this week. We used where we were in our group readers, to then make predictions of what we thought might happen next. Here are some of our predictions:

Chloe – Gran, Biff and Chip will make something to stop the builders of the motorway.

Lewis D – I thought that Superdog was going to save everyone he knew and around him.

Sophie C – I think the pig is going to be sad because he can’t make a web like the spider.

Jessica – I thought that there was going to be a thief and the dog will try to scare him.

Erin R – I predicted that dad was going to snap and that would make Jimi-Luke be alive again.

Caelan – Since the pig can’t make a web, he is going to try to get out of his pen and find lots of string to tie together.


In Writing we have continued our genre of Persuasive Writing. We wrote pieces this week about why recycling was important. Here are some of our thoughts and some of us working on our pieces:

Sophie C – I think recycling is very important for the environment.

Gracie – I think recycling makes everyone happy.

Kayleigh – I enjoyed writing about recycling so now everyone knows how to recycle.

Lewis R – Recycling helps the environment.


In topic we have been creating images of our Solar System as well as doing some research on the International Space Station. We will continue more research next week. Some of us worked with Mrs Hillan on creating a rocket for our display.

We are looking forward to more new learning next week!

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