Glow Blogs Archive
This week we have been looking at the events in Glasgow, COP 26 and climate change. For one of their activities related to this the children created and published web based interactive quizzes. I am trying to work out how you can all access them. Watch this space! Mr C
Weekly Updaye From Primary One
Welcome to this weeks blog. Firstly a picture from last weeks Halloween party. A great time had by all. Writing This week the children had to persuade someone that fireworks can be dangerous.The children came up with some very persuasive agruments including - you can get hurt, other people can be silly putting you in ... Continue reading Weekly Updaye From Primary One
P4/3 Halloween Party
P4/3 had a great time in class with Halloween themed fun on Friday. Everyone was dressed up and the class was decorated. We wrote instructions to make a witches brew, then we had a Halloween maths problem to solve. After that, we had Halloween party bags full of treats and we played Halloween themed games ... Continue reading P4/3 Halloween Party
What have P6 been up to this week?
Literacy We have been learning how to summarise. Hope - Only pick out key points. Debbie - Write in your own words and put events in order. Writing Hope - I enjoyed planning the persuasive writing. You need to include facts. Lily-Elen - You need to use persuasive language. Numeracy We have been adding numbers ... Continue reading What have P6 been up to this week?
P4 Class 05.11.21
Another great week had by all! We enjoyed writing questions and predictions about our new books. We learnt to use different types of conjunctions and we wrote a persuasive text regarding the importance of bees. For numeracy, we continued finding the missing numbers and we began learning how to use written subtraction with borrowing. In ... Continue reading P4 Class 05.11.21
P.5 More Singing Practice
We were learning all about rounds in our singing practice today.
This Week in P3
Literacy This week in writing, we have started learning about a new genre of writing. We are now studying exposition. This is when we persuade the reader by writing a one-sided argument. This week, we persuaded the reader that bonfire night is fun. In reading this week, we have been developing our summarising skills. We ... Continue reading This Week in P3
This Week in Primary 5
We have had another busy week in Primary 5. In Numeracy we have continued looking at Place Value. Some of us were looking at numbers that contained hundreds and thousands and some of us were looking at numbers that contained tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands. When some of us were finished, we offered ... Continue reading This Week in Primary 5
Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights
Primary 4/3 have been packing lots of exciting learning into this week. On Monday in Green Gym, we were set the challenge of building a hibernacula, for an animal to use to hibernate in during the winter months. We had 15 minutes to find as many natural materials as possible to insulate our hibernacula. We ... Continue reading Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights
Weekly Update From Primary One
I hope you have all had a good week. Some highlights the children wanted to share with you. Writing This week the children had to persuade the reader that we need chairs. To make the point and have some fun the children came into class on Wednesday morning and all the chairs were taped up! ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One