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Primary 2 - WC 15/11/2021


In numeracy this week, we have been working on subtraction. It has been tricky but the children have enjoyed our numeracy stations. This is where we spend 10 minutes at each table working in our workbook, games to support our learning, laptops and much more!


In literacy this week, we have been continuing with summarising. We have been summarising the key points from our reading books. It is Scottish Book Week, so we picked our favourite word boost book, Manfred the Baddie, and created our own ending for the story.

School Challenge

At the beginning of November, the whole school were set a challenge to collect as many crisp packets as possible. We are then going to turn them into survival blankets for the homeless! I am so proud to say that Primary 2 collected 224! Thank you for all your support and sending them in from home.

Have a brilliant weekend :).

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