This Week in P3
In writing, we had to persuade the reader that it is important to protect the Earth. We watched a video and this helped us plan our arguments. When writing our final piece, we used our plan to help us with the correct structure. We had to add in bossy words to persuade the reader that they had to make some small lifestyle changes to help protect our planet.
In reading, we continued to develop our skills of reading with fluency and expression. In our reading groups, we had to listen to adults read the page and then we had to echo it back and add in the expression.
This week, we were using our place value skills to help us with addition. We were learning about the column addition, where we add the ones first and then the tens. We have to be careful when crossing over the digits.
Additionally, we were continuing to develop our skills when identifying different angles. This week, we were introduced to reflex angles. We were doing some angle yoga and we had to make the angle with our bodies. Then, we would give the name of an angle and we had to use a ruler to draw this given angle.
In Extreme Earth, we were learning about global warming. Global warming is happening at a faster rate due to human lifestyle choices. Burning fossil fuels creates greenhouse gasses and these gasses burn holes in the ozone layer. The ozone layer is an invisible layer that protects Earth from the sun.