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Primary 3 - Tuesday 23rd June

Hello everybody! Remember to keep working through your packs of learning. Not long now until the Summer Holidays start!!! Literacy Watch Newsround - note down any key things you have found out today to share with someone at home. Have a check in with everyone at home - ask how everyone is and ... Continue reading Primary 3 - Tuesday 23rd June

Primary 7 23.06.20

Information for 23rd June measurementandtimeproblems cfe-s-1432-scotlands-wild-june-powerpoint_ver_6 (1) John Muir Comprehension medium - spicy John Muir Comprehension mild -medium

P4 Maths - 23rd June

Here is the fun directions task for today, as explained on Teams Harry Potter Directions

P4 Literacy - 23rd June

Book review template for George's Marvellous Medicine Book Review

P4 IDL - 23rd June

Theme Park and Fashion Show tasks from Miss Borsbey, as explained on Teams. Organise a Fashion Show Design a Theme Park

Primary 7 Health and Wellbeing

Something for you to work on over the next few days. cfe2-p-174-alcohol-awareness-differentiated-word-search-english_ver_1 cfe2-p-35-alcohol-powerpoint_ver_1 roi2-p-63-the-effects-of-alcohol-powerpoint_ver_1 t2-t-1069-the-dangers-of-smoking-powerpoint_ver_7 t2-t-1071-the-dangers-of-smoking-labelling-activity-sheet t2-t-1119-the-dangers-of-smoking-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity_ver_2 t3-sc-667-smoking-quiz-powerpoint cfe2-p-37-drugs-and-substance-misuse-powerpoint_ver_1 us-p-25-peer-pressure-powerpoint-_ver_6

Thursday 25th June

Good Morning! Let's get energized. Here is the link to the Joe Wicks workout : or if you would like to try some Street Dance Moves try these videos on this site: Sadly, I am not able to be on TEAMS much today because I am working in school so just work through the ... Continue reading Thursday 25th June

Primary 2 - Thursday 25th June 2020

Good morning Primary 2! I hope you are all having a great week! We are almost at the end of term, and I am so proud of how well you have all done during these strange times. Here are some activities for your second last day in P2! End of the year questions Here are ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Thursday 25th June 2020

P.3 Thursday 25.6.20

Hello boys and girls, I hope everyone has had a good week and you are ready for Thursday's home learning tasks. It is our last week of term so I've looked out some fun learning activities. Let's learn a dance! Experiment Why don't you try an experiment. Look at the attached worksheet and see ... Continue reading P.3 Thursday 25.6.20

Primary One - Thursday 25th June 2020

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed Wellbeing Wednesday. As its the second last day of term some fun activities for you to try. Activity 1 Activity 1 encourages you to reflect on your learning in Primary 1. Discuss each question with an adult. Enjoy! Activity 2 For activity 2 I would like you ... Continue reading Primary One - Thursday 25th June 2020

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