Glow Blogs Archive
Our first week in Primary 2!
This week has been super fun in our class. Euan - "I liked using fish to order numbers to 20." Mark - "I loved drawing a bogey picture after beginning our new disgusting story!" Jordon - "I liked learning about the red crayon in our new topic." Maddison - "I liked putting numbers to 10 ... Continue reading Our first week in Primary 2!
Mrs Lockhart's Days
I totally agree with Mrs Hillan, P.4's have settled in really well. I feel very lucky to be their 'Thursday/Friday' teacher. On Thursday and Friday we have introduced a positive behaviour strategy that is enjoyed by all. We have a 'secret person' chosen from all our names in a box. Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Wood ... Continue reading Mrs Lockhart's Days
Welcome to P4/3
P4/3 have had a great first full week back at school after being away for so long!! Mrs Morrison is proud of all the children for their attitude in class as they adapt to the changes we have had to make, well done P4/3!! This week we have been working hard as a team to ... Continue reading Welcome to P4/3
Primary 4 Getting Focused
This week Primary 4 have been busy getting back into the swing of things with our literacy and numeracy. We have continued revisiting our addition skills in numeracy and have looked at how to use chimney sums. Some of us have used these before, some of us hadn't. We will look at these over the ... Continue reading Primary 4 Getting Focused
Primary 1B Weekly Update
It has been another busy and fun week in Primary 1B, we have lots of exciting learning to share with you all. We have been reading lots of different stories this week. One of our favourites has been, 'While We Can't Hug' by Eoin McLaughlin. We have been trying really hard to think of all ... Continue reading Primary 1B Weekly Update
Latest News From Primary 1A
We have had another busy week in Primary 1 and it has been great to see all the children becoming more confident and independent. Reading We have enjoyed reading about Elmer the patchwork elephant. As well as the important message from the story (it's good to be different and it doesn't matter what you look ... Continue reading Latest News From Primary 1A
This week in Primary 2
We have been doing lots of different things in and out of class. Outdoor Learning Euan - "We were counting the trees" Mark - "We were looking for nature" Ethan - "We were looking at butterflies. We learned the work symmetrical" Writing Macy Mae - "We wrote all about ourselves. We wrote our hair and ... Continue reading This week in Primary 2
Mrs Lockhart's Days
This week we had a data challenge in Maths. I provided the information and the children chose how to present it e.g. tally chart, pictogram or bar chart.Then they answered the questions around the data.The results were of a very high standard as you can see from the sample below. ... Continue reading Mrs Lockhart's Days
A Busy Week in P4/3!
It has been another busy week in P4/3 as the children continue to settle into their new class and the changes that have had to be made, due to current circumstances. Well done P4/3 for taking it all in your stride!! We have practised developing our reading skills and are trying to use reading attack ... Continue reading A Busy Week in P4/3!
What have P5 been up to?
Welcome to P5's first, 'Blog Post!' We have had a very busy first few weeks and have been working hard. We have learnt about how to stay safe and prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Also we have discussed our strengths and rights and played various games in order to get to know each other better. ... Continue reading What have P5 been up to?