Latest News From Primary 1A
We have had another busy week in Primary 1 and it has been great to see all the children becoming more confident and independent.
We have enjoyed reading about Elmer the patchwork elephant. As well as the important message from the story (it’s good to be different and it doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside its what your like on the inside that really matters) we have been counting the words in the title, discussing the author and the purpose of a blurb , order (pre-reading skills).
We have spent time this week looking at word boundries. The children have been jumping and counting words in short sentences. This is a good way of developing an understanding of the concept of a “word”. We have also been building an awareness of word rhythm and counting syllables in a word, again great pre- reading and spelling skills. Next week we will begin learning individual sounds and will begin with m.
We have continued to practise counting forward and back within 20, order numbers and forming numerals. We have started exploring dice patterns. The children are being encouraged to say how many dots they see and how they see them. They really enjoy this important early numeracy skill.
Class Charter
We have been working on our class charter which links to our school and class values. So far we have agreed that we will keep oursleves safe in the class by listening to and following instructions, tucking our chairs in and only leaving the classroom if permission is given. We will respect everyone by using kind words and actions and try to include everyone so that no-one feels sad or alone. A picture of our work so far.
We have also been thinking about all the things we can’t do yet, just like Gerald the giraffe and considering ways to achive our goals.
The children have been drawing people who live in their house and we have started creating a family display.
I would like to post pictures of the children working on tasks etc. however, as yet we have not recieved photograph consent forms for everyone. If you would like another form please let myself or the office know.
Have a lovely weekend and keep safe!