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Primary 4 Getting Focused

This week Primary 4 have been busy getting back into the swing of things with our literacy and numeracy.

We have continued revisiting our addition skills in numeracy and have looked at how to use chimney sums. Some of us have used these before, some of us hadn’t. We will look at these over the next week or two.

We have started a new reading book in our groups. It was nice to be able to read together again. We will use these books to have some good discussion.

Primary 4 have continued our novel study this week by looking at all the possessions Joe has. We then had a think about what our priorities would be if we were a billionaire. It was interesting to hear everyone’s thoughts!

Below are some of our finished kites that we started last week detailing what we liked about P3, what we are looking forward to in P4, what we are good at and what we need to improve on/need help with.

We had a lot of fun this week listening to each others’ ‘True, Twisted and Totally Fake’ stories. Some of them were pretty tricky to guess which was which and these led on to some super discussions. The children were so enthusiastic and I think this is something we could definitely try again later in the year!

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