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Primary 3 - Tuesday 21st April

Good morning everyone!

Hope we are all remembering to do our daily exercise! Remember you can go on to Joe Wick’s lessons or you could ask someone at home to create an account on GoNoodle – it is free to join!


Literacy – Pick something to read – fiction or non-fiction (could be a book or something online)  – Take notes from what you have read – list at least 10 key points or new things you have found out.

*Local libraries are providing ebooks online for you to choose from – you can ask an adult at home to register for free  by following the link below:


Numeracy – Write out your 2 times table and ask someone at home to check you have them all correct and to test you on these!


You can also watch the video below to help remind you!


IDL: Continuing with our topic on Great Britain, below is a picture of the Welsh Flag:


There are many stories of dragons throughout history, and we cannot be sure why the dragon was chosen for the Welsh flag. We do know that Henry Tudor carried a flag depicting the dragon into battle in 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth Field. Many Welsh people today are proud of the red dragon as it symbolises strength and courage. Which animal would you chose to represent our country if you could pick one – draw this and say why you picked it. You can also try drawing the Welsh Flag.

Enjoy your day!!

Mrs Hillan


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