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Primary One - Tuesday 21st April 2020

 10 tuesday GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY    Good morning everyone! Hope you are all well!

It is a beautiful sunny day so I hope you manage to get into yours gardens or out for a walk.  A few additional activities for you to try. Enjoy!

Activity 1 – Phonics

A bit of revision on the sounds  (ee and oo) you were learning at home before the holidays. Practice reading the words and sentences. Can you use the words at the top of each card to create your own sentences?

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can blend sounds with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can spell words with these sounds

S.C. I can use the words I know to write sentences

Activity 2 –  Maths – money

L.I. to recognise and use a range of coins

S.C. I can use my addition skills to add different coins to make 10p (or beyond)

If you go to this website you can download a number of worksheets that will support you in recognising and counting money. There are a number of worksheets so please only try what you feel comfortable with. Remember it is always good to use real life materials so if you have a selection of coins please use them. You can use your jotter to copy the worksheets and answers.

Activity 3 – Music

If we were at school we would be learning one of my favourite Spring songs Spring Chicken! The powerpoint and song is below. Singing this song always makes me smile and hope it does the same for you!

Have a great day everyone and I will be back on the blog tomorrow.

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