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P3- Friday24th April

Good morning from Mrs Morrison!! I hope you are safe and well and enjoying the beautiful weather we have been experiencing of late. I will be posting activities every Friday covering curricular areas such as P..E, Science and Maths.

I know Mrs Hillan encourages you to participate inĀ  Joe Wicks, The Body Coach workouts and I thought it would be a good idea to keep a fitness diary to record how often you are keeping fit and the different exercises you are completing. I have attached an example of a fitness diary, please copy into your homework jotter and complete on a daily basis.




Glasgow Science Centre are conducting daily ‘virtual’ science workshops at 10am and I thought some of you budding scientists would like to watch and maybe try out their experiments. Here is the link:

I have also attached some science challenge cards to try. I think challenge 18 ‘Dancing Raisins’ and challenge 19 ‘How to make a lava lamp’ look like fun! Try them out, but remember to get your parents permission before you do. Please send in photos of your efforts to the school email, I would love to see them!

James Dyson Science Challenge Cards


Over the next few Fridays we are going to learn about measure. Why do you think this is an important skill to learn? Which careers need to have a good understanding of measure? Discuss your ideas with a grown up and then have some fun around the house measuring different items. Record your findings in your home learning jotter.

Enjoy the activities P3 and I will check in with you next Friday.

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