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Primary 2 - Friday 24th April 2020

Good Morning Primary 2! Here are some fun activities for today.


Watch the Alphablocks video for your group. Can you spot any of your spelling words?

Green, Purple & Pink 




Let’s practise counting back by 1s! Here is the song:

Can you choose a random number to start at and count all the way back to zero?


Every week, we are going to reflect on our learning. Please use the template below to reflect on what you have learned this week.

Life Skills 

It is very important to learn different life skills as you grow up. There are so many different skills and some of you are already experts at them! Have a look at the document attached to see if you can work on developing any of these life skills when you are at home!

Life Skills Grid


When you open the site, click the pink button at the top which says “My class login”. The class login details are as follows: username – deansprimary2      password – missborsbey       Once logged in, click the button that says “My Bookshelf”.  This will take you to lots of ebooks. Please have a look below to find out which book to read. Once you have read the book, discuss what you have read. Can you design a new front cover for your book?

Green group – Chicken Licken

Purple group – The Toys’ Party

Pink group – Ant and the Baby

Yellow group – Can you see me?

Blue group – Big Feet


Have a great weekend Primary 2 and I’ll speak to you on Monday!

Miss Borsbey

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