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P5 Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning!Choose a work-out Joe Wicks for example ( or Go Noodle.

Smart Start – Quiet Reading – chat will go on at 9:55.

Numeracy – LI To divide – SC I can use the grouping strategy.

Watch this video: which also gives information about remainders.

Complete the learning activity: Choose a level. Try the grouping strategy or if you prefer use one of the other methods. If you do complete any working out do so in your jotter please!


spicy division


spicier division including remainders

After Break


LI To spell plurals. SC I can spell the plural of words ending in f and fe.

Look at the PowerPoint. Think about what you noticed when making these words plural (more than one). Spelling words ending in f and fe

Complete the Worksheet:Irregular Plural Nouns

(1 star -spicy, 2 stars – spicier, 3 stars – spiciest.) Answers are at the end and when it says circle the incorrect word you will need to write this word in your book.

Morning Brain break – Cosmic Kids yoga : Cosmic kids

Spelling Extensions


  1. click on 2 and drag the letters to spell the word.


3. – Choose the phonics you would like to practise.


1. click on 3 and 4 then work through the program


3. click on 3 and 4




3. click on 5 and 6 then work through the different parts of the game

Then if you have time go onto SUMDOG. (The spelling section. )

After Lunch


Watch the following clip:

Check out the French Powerpoint :French Clothes PowerPoint

Learning Activity: Choose

  1. Design a poster showing what you have learnt about French clothes
  2. Draw and label clothes with French words. Use this worksheet to help you.(1 star=spicy, 2 stars = spicier and 3stars = spiciest.) Answers are at the back.French clothes activity sheet


Go to

Watch the videos and then complete EITHER activity 1 or 2. (If you are able to do both that is great!)

The worksheet you need for activity 2 is here –Geography worksheet

Before you go: If you have google earth on your computer you can take a virtual hike along the grand canyon: It takes a bit of getting used to! Remember with this you can go anywhere in the world!,-112.14321948,2082.34814453a,0d,60y,-4.9786159h,83.81222441t,0r/data=CjASLhIgYWM3MWNmNzgyZWQ1MTFlOThiZTQ0NWEzN2RiYmYzMTEiCmdjc19pdGluXzE

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