Primary 7 29.04.20
Before Break
Bonjour. Today we are going to be working out the average speed of a journey. If you look in the folder for today / blog, you will find your work.
Like the last two days, you have to carefully read and understand the instructions / examples to be able to use the formula accurately. For Q. 9 you can use a calculator but still show some kind or working. If you don’t have a calculator just leave it out. Take your time especially with Q.11 as it is a problem solving questions. Read it carefully.
L.I. – to calculate the average speed of a journey
S.C. – I can use the formula accurately
I can show my working out
- Read over my instructions
- Read over the instructions / example in the folder/blog.
- Start if you understand
- Read again if you don’t and I’ll be back in 10 minutes.
Break – Lunch
After Lunch