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Primary One - Thursday 30th April 2020

Good Morning Everyone!


Hope you are all well and managing to keep busy.  A few tasks for you to try today. Enjoy!

Activity 1  – Science  Free Science Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...

Everyday bbc bitesize are making available short science activities for you to try at home. The link below will take you to an Introduction to Materials. There is a short video and 2 activities for you to try.

Activity 2- Phonics   Phonics Sounds Clipart     w sound

L.I. to develop automatic sound letter recognition

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to say a word I recognise

In your spelling and phonics activities booklet you will find a w letter hunt page. Colour all the w sounds.

Complete the worksheet below using your jotter to draw the pictures. Can you write a sentence for each w word? e.g. When I look out of the window I can see a beautiful blossom tree.

Activity 3 -Phonics –  Help a Hedgehog

Below is a link to a fun phonics game. I would start at phase 2 before moving, keep trying to beat your score! Enjoy, challenge yourself!

Activity 4 – Reading Free Reading Clipart - Clip Art Pictures - Graphics - Illustrations

L.I. to read words and sentences

S.C. I can use the pictures in the story  to help me read unfamiliar words

S.C. I can use the other words in the sentence to help me find one that make sense.

S.C I can order the story

Time for a new book! Go to Oxford Owls and login as normal (username is deansprimary1 and password is reading) choose pages 5-6, then scroll down to Everyone got Wet

Enjoy sharing the story and complete the 2 fun activities – ordering the story and water sound words.

Activity 5 – Money Uk Money Clipart

L.I. to recognise and use a range of coins

S.C. I can sort and order coins according to their value

Please complete Coin Recognition and Ordering Coins sheets from your new pack, then have a go at the coin game below. Start with the sorting activity. Enjoy!

Activity 6 – Health and Wellbeing

Plan a meal with your family. Ask everyone what is their favourite thing to eat is then decide (with the help of an adult) what you could help them to make. Things to think about-

Washing your hands  before handling any food

Tie your hair back if it is long

Wash any fruit and vegetables before cooking

Keep some foods in the fridge

Take care with sharp objects – always ask an adult to help

Remember to help to clear away and wash the dishes!

Have a great day. More activities  on tomorrows  blog.

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